
“As business owners we go through many obstacles. Whether it’s dealing with customers, employees and/or ourselves. I have shared a few Change Zone episodes with my staff to “change” our way of thinking and doing and as well to better our own individual authentic selves.

Every person has a story, emotions goals, etc., and 2 episodes that had made an impact on us were The Judgement Train – all aboard! episode and Letting Go of Labels. It reminded us to really just be and listen. We wear many hats (labels) in our business and have customers/clients that sit in our chairs everyday of every hour sharing with us their thoughts, ideas, and life stories.

It’s allowed us the “open up and just listen” without judgement but still being able to judge how we technically deal with our work. It’s given us tools to drop the label of what we are and allowing others to truly see who we are. I feel like in a lot of workplaces, we are just seen as that job title, but when we allow others to see or listen to who we really are or want to be we can gain better respect and understanding from those around us and to not be seen as a working robot. We know it’s not about not caring what others may think, but more that some may not agree or want to accept it.

We have always strived for a positive workplace with encouraging employees and as well guests. When we hear anything that sounds negative we allow ourselves to listen first and then to find the opportunity to make it better or sometimes nothing at all…and that’s fine!

Allowing each staff member to be an individual first is mostly important as throwing on all these hats and judgements all day with every other guest and changing roles can really exhaust someone. And then when the workday is done, we all go home to more labels. But if we can let go of all these labels, wouldn’t that be more refreshing?

Myself and staff continue to watch and listen to advice from inspirational speakers, motivators, quotes and then create our own along the way. It’s not only about learning and doing or helping each other, but more about the fulfilment of an individual’s journey.”

— AS

“Congratulations on also being on Spotify and iHeart Radio now! Word is getting around about your great show and it doesn't surprise me! 
You are giving people powerful tools for daily living in such a respectful and fun format. You both have something so unique to offer and it is neat to see how you weave your thoughts, stories and experiences together during the episodes. I'm learning a lot and looking forward to watching what's coming next. Thankyou!”

— Yvonne

“I really enjoyed today’s episode, ‘Commit, Choose, Change, Laugh! to great subjects. I took some notes and asked myself some questions while listening. One of the questions I asked myself was what does listening to the heart mean to me? I came up with, it means letting my other self guide me feeling the emotions and making decisions based on them. An example of this in my life was I worked in a job for many years knowing in my heart that I needed a change, but fear kept me there. Commitment being key to success having goals to guide us so we don’t end up drifting. Powerful knowledge. I enjoyed listening to Christina and could really relate to her story and how she listens to her heart and made the changes that led her to owning her own business. I absolutely love your show and I’m grateful for what you guys do. My work schedule doesn’t allow me to listen live every Monday but I’m making a commitment to listen to every episode. Thank you both from the bottom of my heart”

— Trevor

“Excellent today (‘Permission To Be Well!’) – really relates to my experience when my young son was in the Hospital for three weeks, and with my grief group work with Hospice, years later, here (in Ontario). We had quite intensive training. What’s most important is to Listen!”

— Shirley

“Really like her content, it’s really helpfu!”
(‘Change Yourself, Then Watch Others Change! - With Kerri Twigg")

— Anonymous

“I am listening right now to yesterday’s (Feb 28, 2022) program. Delightful, energizing, fun, creative, worthwhile, ethical.”
(‘Change Yourself, Then Watch Others Change! - With Kerri Twigg")

— Valary

“Thanks again for the The Change Zone. What a perfect way to understand commitment and choice. I am working on discovering how the heart sees and feels. It is taking all my energy, and I now have no time to worry about arguments. Especially when someone tells me that 1+1=5.”
(“Commit, Choose, Change, Laugh)

— Adéle

“So enjoyed your show this week! Kerri was funny and interesting and delightful. Enjoyed seeing the three of you have fun!”
(‘Change Yourself, Then Watch Others Change! - With Kerri Twigg")

— Lisa

“I really like the process she (Kathryn Zukof) followed, entering into retirement…a LOT of people just wake up and bingo.” (Eye Of The Storm!)

— Shirley

“My first ‘change’ happened when I was around 12 years old. I had always been the shortest kid in any of my classes. In fact, in grade 7 & 8 they would always have us arranged by height for school gatherings… and I would usually end up at the front!! Then WOW… I started eating… I was constantly feeling starved! 5 meals a day plus a late night snack, meant I entered high school MUCH taller. My goal in grade 7 was to someday be taller than the tiny 4’10” sister/nun… i went into grade 9 … 5’7”… I was so discombobulated … I would walk into walls and doors that I used to shorter than!!

I remember Gail mentioning the head game of being the short one… I had to deal with BOTH!! I am now the tallest of all my sisters!!

A second major change… I was always the shy one… which was fine because in a large family, no problem, also a good thing... as we lived in a town where everyone knew my family… we could keep UNDER the radar!!

However I arrived at university in Toronto... and decided, ‘Enough of that’... and started just talking to random people just because!! And have never looked back!! I have discovered that I love this new me!!

Mind you I still get major stage fright... but have discovered... thanks to Susan’s coaching... how to USE this energy when doing public speaking or music performances. (I play harp and bagpipes). I just hide in the band for my flute playing!! It is a WIP!

Quite enjoy your shows.”

(Let’s Talk About Change)

— Shirley

“Awesome episode today! Gerry's advice on courage and creativity were inspiring and empowering. I love the notion that we are all creative and have courage its in our DNA, we wouldn't be hear today if our ancestors didn't possess these characteristics. Thank you Gail and Susan for keeping this show going, every time i have the opportunity to tune in i am enlightened as I'm sure many are.”

(The Resources Are Always Right There!)

— TD

“Great contribution to The Change Zone series”

(The Resources Are Always Right There!)

— M

“Great show. Information with humour.”

— BG

“Congratulations Susan and Gail on your 30th episode! Another fascinating conversation about questioning, dealing with challenges, approaching ambiguity (or not!), building conversation and connection through an unusual photograph, fruit flies, painting your deck, sick dogs… Isn’t that life?! Best wishes for your next 30 episodes!”

(Embodying Change is a Contact Sport)

— KZ

“The first podcast I ever appeared on also is a TV show that streams to YouTube, Spotify and iHeartRadio. It's called The Change Zone and it's part of the reason I got so much media attention earlier this year.  I've appeared on a few episodes now because Gail and Susan are just so easy to chat with and we always have interesting conversations.  They are both coaches but they have their own unique styles - each conversation I have with them is fascinating but feels oh so safe. Susan brings her theatre background to this episode - she is a gifted voice artist.” Nola Simon”

(Stir Things Up with Nola Simon)

— Nola Simon

“Finally got to watch your show with Dorine. She is very inspiring. You and Susan or so excellent at letting others shine brightly.”

(Episode 45 - Dorine P. Kielly - Celebration By Design!)

— BG

“Congratulations on your 50th episode of The Change Zone. It was so inspiring to see you three wise, insightful women on the screen together sharing and musing about your learnings and then expanding them out to your audience! I always learn something that I can use. Some of the great advice I've been so fortunate to see on your show have given me more confidence to "nudge" forward on projects that mean a lot to me. Thank you so much for your gracious presence.”

— YN

Have you joined us in The Change Zone?

We would love to hear what you think!

Susan and Gail ready to hear your thoughts